Packages for RedHat 7.x, 8.x and Suse 8.x
These packages were tested with RedHat 7.2, RedHat 7.3, RedHat 8.0 and Suse 8.1 Professional.
Please send us e-mail if you are able/unable to install them on any other version of RedHat. Or maybe Suse?
Packages for Suse 8.2
These packages work on Suse 8.2 Professional.
They should work on most RPM based distributions as well.
You should use these RPM packages if you GNU Linux distribution comes with libjpeg version other than 6b.
Please send us an e-mail if you are able/unable to install them on any other version of Suse or any other distribution.
Packages for Mandrake 8.x
These packages work on Mandrake 8.1 and Mandrake 8.2
Please send us e-mail if you are able/unable to install them on any other version of Mandrake.
Packages for Mandrake 9.1
These packages work on Mandrake 9.1
Please send us e-mail if you are able/unable to install them on any other version of Mandrake.
Packages for Debian Woody
These packages were tested on Debian Woody.
Please send us e-mail if you are able/unable to install them on any other Debian based distribution.
Archives for other distributions
Just kylixlibs3-borqt archive was released, other packages should be released later. This archive contains the libraries and 2 scripts:
In order to install these, you have to extract the archive and run as root
What about packages for other distributions?
We are looking for people to build packages for other distributions (Suse Linux, Turbo Linux, Gentoo)